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The obituary notice of Richard Gruffydd (Gruff) HUGHES

Ruthin | Published in: Western Mail.

Dowell Brothers
Dowell Brothers
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Richard GruffyddHUGHESBu farw Gruff o Elenydd, Rhuthun, yn sydyn ond yn dawel ar ddydd Sul 16eg o Ebrill yn 75 oed. Gŵr a ffrind gorau Nerys, tad a thad yng nghyfraith balch a chariadus Sioned a Mark, Dafydd a Deborah a Guto. Taid annwyl a direidus Harri, Megan, Gwen, Ryan a Cian a brawd ffyddlon O.P. Ymunwch gyda ni i ddathlu ei fywyd mewn gwasanaeth yn nghapel y Tabernacl, Rhuthun ar ddydd Iau, 11eg Mai am 2yp. Blodau teulu yn unig os gwelwch yn dda a gall pawb wisgo rhywbeth lliwgar. Rhoddion os dymunir i Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru. ***** On Sunday 16th April, Gruff passed away suddenly but quietly at the age of 75. Husband and best friend to Nerys and a proud and loving father and father in law to Sioned and Mark, Dafydd and Deborah and Guto. A dear and mischievous grandfather to Harri, Megan, Gwen, Ryan and Cian and faithful brother to O.P. Please join us in a celebration of his life in the Tabernacle Chapel in Ruthin at 2pm on Thursday, 11th May. Family flowers only please and can everyone wear something colourful. Donations if desired to Wales Air Ambulance. Arrangements by Dowell Brothers Funeral Directors of Ruthin.
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Published: 22/04/2023
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