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The obituary notice of Ian Richard (Rhiwmol) HUGHES

Rhosybol | Published in: Daily Post. Notable areas: Amlwch

John Hughes and Son, Amlwch branch of R & J Hughes and Son Ltd
John Hughes and Son, Amlwch branch of R & J Hughes and Son Ltd
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Ian RichardHUGHES14eg o Ragfyr 2024, o Rhosybol, hunodd yn dawel yn Ysbyty Gwynedd yn 74 mlwydd oed. Priod annwyl Annella. Tad cariadus Huw a hefyd yn daid balch. Mi fydd yn golled enfawr i'w deulu a'i ffrindiau. Gwasanaeth breifat i'r teulu yn unig. Derbynnir rhoddion er cof am Ian tuag at JDRF - sieciau yn daladwy i 'R & J Hughes and Son Ltd' neu drwy ein gwefan * * * * *

14th December 2024, of Rhosybol, passed away peacefully in Ysbyty Gwynedd, aged 74 years. Beloved husband of Annella. Loving father of Huw and a Proud grandfather. Ian will be sadly missed by his family and friends. Private service for the family only. Donations will be gratefully accepted in memory of Ian towards JDRF - please make cheques payable to 'R & J Hughes and Son Ltd' or via our website - Ymholiadau a rhoddion / Enquiries and donations drwy law yr ymgymerwyr / care of the funeral directors John Hughes a'i Fab, Britannia, Porth Amlwch, cangen o / branch of R & J Hughes and Son Ltd. Ffôn: 01407 830461 / 01248 723 497.
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Published: 03/01/2025
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