Hello Mum happy mothers day
Thinking of you everyday but especially today my dear beautiful mum
Visited your resting place for mothers day as I said I would and brought your flowers and card as I always have.
Today Kerry, Katie, Cameron and myself your eldest son Damian will celebrate you dear being a great mum to me and also a great grandma to Katie and Cameron I know how much of a special bond you made with Cameron in your later years and he adored you too,
but also we have to except the prevailing sense of loss we feel with you not here
Once again my dear mum
Happy Mothers day
God bless you
Your devoted eldest son
Damian xxx
Love Damian & immediate family:
Tribute photo for Antoinette CUNNINGHAM
Love Kerry, Katie, Cameron, Damia
Left by Love Damian & immediate family:
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Left by Love Damian & immediate family:
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Left by Your forever loving son James:
♥️Hello my dear mum happy Mother’s Day♥️

Michaelina, Antonella, Claudia, Vincent and me are thinking of you today mum as we do everyday and it’s heartbreaking to think after all the years and fun we had together and how close we were as a mother and son unit could be, that your not here anymore, we had such lovely times especially on the many occasions you came to my home in London and we took you to see London shows and we showed you all the sights, you really enjoyed it mum and its so nice to be able to remember how happy you were, I’ll cherish those beautiful fun memories for eternity mum and that makes me really happy dear ♥️
I’ll love you for eternity mum and untill I see you again dear may your days in paradise be peaceful
Godbless mum sleep tight
Your forevermore loving blue eyed boy
James xxx♥️
Your Forever Loving Son James:
Hello My Dear Mum
"Happy Mothers"day for Sunday my dear.Going to visit your resting place on Sunday and bring your card and flowers as I've always done on mother's day and will carry on doing so forever dear. I have been tending your grave now since you have been resting there and I will also carry on tending it as long as I can my dear,it always looks lovely there mum once I've been there and made it look nice for you which makes me really happy mum
I still can't believe your gone mum πŸ’” but I am happy no one can cause you any problems anymore and God will always be looking over you.
I miss you mum and love you more than you'll ever know
God bless my beautiful mum
Love always
Your devoted first born son
Damian xxxx
Happy Mothers Day Love Damian:
Tribute photo for Antoinette CUNNINGHAM
Happy Mothers day love Damian
Left by Love from Damian & Kerry xx:
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Left by Happy Mothers Day Love Damian:
Tribute photo for Antoinette CUNNINGHAM
Love from Damian xxxx
Left by Your first son Damian xxxx:
To my wonderful beautiful mum who had the most special heart in her life
Thank you for giving your love to me throughout your life and for being there when we needed each other, I will never forget that my dear and also what we told each other in January 2020.
You were the only one who had a heart which was good and pure mum the same as mine, the characteristics of our hearts were the same mum thank you for that my dear.
R.I.P my dear mum I will miss and love you always but i know you are ok now because God will look after you until I meet you again and you are free from hurt now.
I hope to see you again my dear when we can show our love without any unforeseen circumstances getting in the way.
Love you forevermore mum,
Your devoted and eternal loving first born son
Damian xxx
Love from your first son Damian: