Jean, you are at rest now with Norman and lee.
You had such a bubbly, cheeky personality which I’m dearly going to miss. You always made me feel welcome, which I really appreciated, I’m going to miss the visits Jean.
Rest in peace.
Paul burton:
To my dear friend Jean
We shared some happy times and your family meant everything to you. My dear Jean you always made me feel so welcome and I will miss our times together nattering about our families and putting the world in order.
Rest peacefully
Love Kath
Kathleen Hanlon:
My dearest Nanna.
Just having to write this breaks my heart. I have avoided doing it for days because I know that once I do I can't continue to pretend that you're still here, I have no choice but to face the truth that you are gone. I don't want to never see that beautiful, smiling face of yours again! To sit having a cheeky little natter in hushed tones so nobody could hear what we were saying as it was normally quite naughty! Or just to hear you say 'I love you'! I don't want to face the fact that these things will never happen again!
So instead I'll hold onto hope. Hope that i will see you again. Whether that be in the life after this one or in a dream. I know i will see your sweet smile. I KNOW I will because to think that I won't is too much to bear.
So rest peacefully Nan and fly amongst the angels. You will be in my heart and thoughts forever. I love you and miss you so much already. Goodbye for now, until we meet again xxxxxxx
Mrs Teresa Meads:
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Left by Mrs Teresa Meads:
My beautiful Nanna I love you so so dearly and miss you so so much already, our lives just aren't going to be the same without you by our sides I will never forget you Nanna nor your kind heart and beautiful big beaming smile. You were the best nanna anyone could have ever wished for and I feel honoured, proud and truly blessed to call you my Nan. I am so glad that we made so many special memories together over the years which I will cherish forever and forever hold you close in my heart.
R.I.P my beautiful Nanna fly high with the angels, until we meet again
XxX Donna XxX
Donna Thompson:
Tribute photo for Jean BOOTH-ISHERWOOD
Left by Donna Thompson:
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Left by Donna Thompson:
Tribute photo for Jean BOOTH-ISHERWOOD
Left by Leeann:
Dear Nanna, Jean, & Great Granny, You’ve broken hearts all over the world with your departure from this life! You’ll be missed so dearly! We will especially miss that radiant smile of yours and all of those “You Cheeky B**ger!” moments. One of the funniest memories I have was that of banana bread that you would bring by for me. For about ten years you convinced me that you baked it only to find in the end it was a lady at church baking it all along!🤣 I still laugh and tell that story today. Although he was very young, Preston has taken away some wonderful memories of You in your garden and that cat above your fireplace. Remembering your sweet chuckle during our visit back to England as we sat in your living room discussing religion, memories of Dans childhood, and so much more. The warmth and love felt in that room during visits was so special. Memories of you will surely last forever! We love you so very much! Please give our love to Grandad.
Love Always,
Daniel, Nicole, Preston, & Paityn
Dan, Nicole, Preston & Paityn:
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Left by Dan, Nicole, Preston & Paityn: