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Acknowledgement for Hugh Gareth OWEN

Llangefni | Published in: Daily Post.

Melvin Rowlands Funeral Directors
Melvin Rowlands Funeral Directors
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Hugh GarethOWENDymuna Margaret, Dafydd a teulu'r diweddar Hugh Gareth Owen o Llwyn Ysgaw, Lon Clai, Llangefni ddiolch o galon i bawb am bob arwydd o gydymdeimlad a charedigrwydd a ddangoswyd tuag atynt yn ystod eu profedigaeth. Diolch yn fawr am y llu o gardiau, galwadau ffôn, yr ymweliadau a'r rhoddion hael a dderbyniwyd er cof am Gareth yn ddiolchgar tuag at Achosion Da Lleol. Diolch arbennig i Melvin Rowlands Trefnwyr Angladdau a'i gyd-weithwyr am eu trefniadau urddasol a gofalus, i'r Parchedig Ddr Elwyn Richards am ei wasanaeth teimladwy ac i Mr Arwel Jones yr organydd. Diolch o galon i bawb.


Margaret, Dafydd and the family of the late Hugh Gareth Owen of Llwyn Ysgaw, Clai Road, Llangefni would like to sincerely give thanks to everyone for all the kindness and sympathy shown to them in their recent bereavement. Thank you for all the cards, phone calls, visits and for the generous donations received in Gareth's memory towards Local Good Causes. A special thank you to Melvin Rowlands Funeral Director and his team for their dignified and caring service, to the Reverend Dr Elwyn Richards for his touching service and Mr Arwel Jones the organist. A heartful thanks to you all.
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Published: 21/12/2024
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