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The obituary notice of Catherine DILLON (Frances)

Coventry | Published in: Coventry Telegraph.

Heart Of England Co-operative Soc.
Heart Of England Co-operative Soc.
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CatherineDILLON8th September 1941 - 12th November 2024

Our beautiful and beloved wife, mother, grandma, sister and aunty passed away peacefully on Tuesday 12th November.

She is survived by her husband Gerry Dillon, her 3 children Gerard, Lesley and Stephen and her 4 grandchildren.

We will miss you so very much.

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Funeral Service at Christ The King with St. Augustine's Coventry, 14 Westhill Road Coventry CV6 2AA at 12.00pm on 12th December, then cremation to take place Canley Crematorium, Cannon Hill Chapel, 180 Cannon Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7DF at 1.30pm.
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Published: 05/12/2024
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I will always remember the many laughs we had when we worked together at jaguar browns lane RIP FRAN xx🙏🏻
Candle fn_1