Raymond Douglas (Ray) Harrison
I had known and been friends with Ray Harrison for nigh on 60 years since we started at Mount (dis)-Grace High School back in 1969. We quickly learned we had much in common, primarily a friendly disposition and a sense of humour, and we were born only 3 days apart. Latterly, it was as if we were still 18 years old and had remained so.
Life has many inevitabilities, some of which we might reasonably anticipate, but I never once imagined I would ever write an epitaph for a friend with whom I've had so much fun over so many decades. And to list every anecdote, however briefly, would be beyond the scope of this tribute.
The many shared experiences were character-building, and Ray had character in spades. God bless you Ray, you were taken way before your time.
Tad Davison
Tad Davison