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The obituary notice of Phil MOLYNEUX (Yr Athro Emeritws mewn Bancio a Chyllid)

Bangor | Published in: Daily Post.

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PhilMOLYNEUXHunodd Phil ar yr 2il o Dachwedd gyda'i deulu annwyl o'i gwmpas, yn 64 oed. Yn llawn hiwmor, annwylder a charedigrwydd, wynebodd Phil ei salwch yn yr un modd ag y bu fyw, yn wên o glust i glust ac yn meddwl am eraill, ac nid fo'i hun. Cymer oes a ffrind gorau i Delyth; tad amrhisiadwy Rhiannon, Lois, Gethin, Gareth, Catrin ac Alun; Pops hwyliog Órla, Reuben, Taran a Cora; mab, gefaill a brawd tyner Janet, y diweddar George, Sue a Richard. Mab yng nghyfraith, ewythr, hen ewythr, a brawd yng nghyfraith cariadus. Athro, mentor a chydweithiwr ysbrydoledig ym Mhrifysgol Bangor ac yn fyd-eang yn y maes Bancio, Cyllid ac Economeg.

Mae croeso i'w deulu, ffrindiau ac eraill i ddathlu bywyd goleuedig Phil ym Amlosgfa Bangor am 11 o'r gloch ar y 24ain o Dachwedd ac wedyn yn y Ganolfan Rheolaeth, Prifysgol Bangor.

Yn unol â'i ffyddlondeb i Burnley F.C. gwahoddir chwi i wisgo ychydig o liwiau'r clwb, claret a glas, os y dymunwch. I'r rhai ohonoch na all fod yn bresennol gwahoddir chwi i ymuno â'r teulu yn fyw ar y wê (
username qupu 0443 password 533451)

Blodau'r teulu'n unig ond gwahoddir cyfraniadau drwy law Gareth Williams Trefnwr Angladdau 1 Garneddwen , Bethesda LL57 3PD tuag at Tŷ Gobaith a Hosbis Dewi Sant (Safle Penrhos Stanley).

* * * * *

MOLYNEUX Phil (Emeritus Professor of Banking and Finance)

Phil passed away peacefully on the 2nd of November, aged 64, surrounded by his precious family. Phil faced his illness with the same irreverent humour, generosity and kindness that had been his trademark attitude to life. He continued to smile broadly and always put others' needs before his own. Best friend and lifelong partner to Delyth, incomparable father to Rhiannon, Lois, Gethin, Gareth, Catrin and Alun; funny Pops to Órla, Reuben, Taran and Cora; dearest son, twin and brother to Janet, the late George, Sue and Richard. Generous son and brother in law, uncle and great uncle. Inspirational Professor, mentor and colleague in Banking and Finance at the University of Bangor and world-wide.

Friends and others are most welcome to join his family in a celebration of Phil's life at Bangor Crematorium at 11am on 24th of November and then at the Management Centre, Bangor University.

In accordance with his lifelong dedication to Burnley F.C. you are invited to wear a touch of claret and blue if you so wish. For those unable to attend in person, we warmly invite you to join Phil's celebration via a livestream. (
username qupu 0443 password 533451)

Family flowers only but contributions to St Davids Hospice (Penrhos Stanley) and Hope House via Gareth Williams Funeral Director, 1 Garneddwen Bethesda, LL57 3PD are most welcome.
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Published: 11/11/2023
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Amazing how a year has passed by really quickly, RIP Professor. You are greatly missed and remembered.
Suhaib Anagreh
Candle fn_3
Suhaib Anagreh
Thank you from
Hope House Children's Hospices
For all the donations given
Condolences from Bill and Cathy. Phil was a real privilege to have known and this is a great cause to support
Donation left by William Davies
Professor Phil Molyneux, we'll remember you always.
Donation left by Ellen Williams
Donation left by Dafydd Jones
I gofio n annwyl iawn am Phill. Xxx
Donation left by Bryn a Rhian Jones
Donation left by Anonymous
Roedd Phil yn berson eithriadol a bydd hiraeth mawr amdano.
Donation left by Owain ap Gwilym