Graeme was a gigantic influence on my life and career. I was an Editor in London and had only been married four years with a new home when he told me he wanted me to work for him. Journalists I knew thought I was mad when I announced I was leaving London and moving to Nottingham to work in marketing and PR with Graeme. They were wrong. I had five and a half terrific years working at the International Press Marketing Group (IPMG). I loved that job and being promoted to Editorial Director and I am indebted to Graeme for so much that I learnt while working with him. Also (sliding doors moment), if we hadn't come to Nottingham we wouldn't have met the two wonderful children we adopted or become grandparents to their fantastic kids. And we wouldn't have met the wonderful Wheatcroft family. So it's no exaggeration to say that Graeme literally changed our lives. We would regularly bump into him in the village or the Turkish restaurant in later years and he'd always stop for a chat. The service was very moving and really well attended and I seriously cannot believe that he's gone.
Rory Baxter