Firstly may I offer my condolences & prayers to Bills family at this very sad time & please allow me to share a few memories of this very special man , a man that I first met in what seems like light years ago in another life far far away.
My memories of Bill are still very fresh in my mind which is a testament to the type of man he was , the last time I saw him was over 40 years ago & although with age my memory is not what it was there is no problem in recalling the time spent in his company. I remember his laugh , that singing voice , his favourite joke from back then which I still tell today , funny stories from his work , his favourite Doris Day , the fact that he had the ability to turn his hand to anything , the love & time he gave his family , he would do anything for anybody as nothing was too much trouble. He got me started doing the football pools & 50 years later I’m still doing them using the same numbers but having never won but who knows maybe this time next year I’ll be a millionaire , so many memories that are now sneaking out of my eyes & rolling down my cheeks.
I am better for knowing him , better for having met him. May he be blessed in the next life as I was in this one by knowing him R.I.P.