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Lasting Tribute for Marion ((née Pope)) BROOKS

Love Clough | Published: Online.

Fred Hamer Funeral Service
Fred Hamer Funeral Service
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MarionBROOKS(née Pope) MARION Brooks née Pope, of Greenfold Drive, Loveclough, passed away on Sunday, March 1, at the Royal Blackburn Hospital, aged 62. Marion worked at Smith and Nephews and was a PA/secretary at the Royal Blackburn Hospital. She enjoyed walking her dog Alfie, trips to Rome, helping out Friends Reminisce and helping out at St James The Less RC Church. She also enjoyed music concerts. Wife of the late Shaun and sister of the late Laurence, she leaves family of sister and brother-in-law, cousins, nephew, nieces, greatnephews and nieces and many many friends. The funeral was held on Friday, March 13, led by Father D Lupton at St James The Less at 11am for Requiem Mass, followed by service and cremation at Burnley Crematorium at 12.15pm. Flowers and donations welcome to Cancer Research and Pendleside Hospice. Funeral director: Dawn Winfield for Fred Hamer Funeral Service.
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Published: 14/05/2020
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