Hello My Bain, when the clock went to midnight , that tells me it’s five years today that we had to part , it’s been the loneliness five years that I’ve ever had , it’s not living like we lived for each other , we always knew what each other was thinking & going to say next , I miss all that so much it hurts , I miss our banter with each other , what I’d give to hear you say hi Bain was I okay you always knew if I was worried about any thing I always tried to keep my worry’s well hid , you always said come on I can read you like a book , we had such a bond from August 1969 , then the happiest day of our lives 18 th July 2 45 1970 , my biggest wish we could start again from the beginning as you wud say I’d be over the moon & back . Missing you loads my Bain , it’s nice to know Snowy & Daisy with you . Lots of love , till I come & see you soon , your broken hearted your Bain Dorothy dxdxdxdx
Your broken hearted Bain Dorothy dxdx