KeithDUNNETTDUNNETT - KEITH Passed away 30th December 2007. You were a special person, one we thought would stay. We never thought the day would come when you would go away. But God saw you getting tired, when a cure was not to be. He closed His arms around you and whispered" Come with me". Free from pain and suffering. Sleep tight. Will always remember you. Your loving wife Barbara. Funeral service 11.20am on 10th January 2008 at Wilford Hill. Dad I have tears in my eyes and a heavy heart now you're gone. You now have peace after your battle with cancer, which you fought right to the end. I will always remember you as the strongest person I have ever known. I love you and miss you. Rest in peace and God bless. Your son Steve and daughter-in-law Tor. Dad I saw God take your last breath and now you're free from pain. your loving heart will beat with mine. Missing you more and more as each day goes by. In time the pain will pass, but your memories will always stay. Rest in peace Dad. Everloving son Richard and grandchildren Alison and Jake. Dad The gates of Heaven have opened, God has welcomed you in. His arms are wide open, no more pain you are in. Green grass for you to walk through with your Mam and Dad. Pain free, you can sleep now. Goodnight, God bless. Love you forever. Everloving daughter Jennie and son-in-law Jason. Dad We never got to say goodbye, the time came too quickly. Oh how we cried. No longer can we see your face but in our hearts we can embrace the love you gave to us. Now at last you are at peace, safe in the arms of Jesus. Everloving son Andrew and daughter-in-law Diana. Grandad We didn't get to say goodbye, but that's the way you wanted it. The pain was far too much to bear. Night night Grandad. Everloving grandchildren Hannah, Sophia and Branden. xxx Grandad Thanks for all the memories you've given to us to keep. We think of you every time we lay our heads to sleep. Lots of love grandchildren Daniel, Natasha, Thomas and Tanya. xxxx
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