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The obituary notice of Eirlys ECKLEY

Cardiff (Caerdydd) | Published in: Daily Post.

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EirlysECKLEYBu farw Eirlys Eckley (Eirlys Parri) yn dawel ac yn gyfforddus yn y cartref gofal y bu hi yn byw ynddo ers iddi ddechrau dirywio gydag Alzheimer's dros bum mlynedd yn ôl. Roedd Eirlys yn 74 blwydd oed. Roedd Eirlys yn fam gariadus a lliwgar i'w merched Lois ac Esther ac yn Nan Nan gynnes a llawn hwyl i Brandon, Jason, Evan ac Aaron. Mae hi hefyd yn gadael ei chyn ŵr a ffrind oes Geraint Eckley a nifer o ffrindiau arbennig o dda. Mi fydd gwagle ar ei hol ond mae hi'n gadael trysor o atgofion a chwerthin.

Ni fydd gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn yr amlosgfa ond mae trefniadau ar y gweill i gynnal dathliad o'i bywyd o fewn ychydig fisoedd. Mi fydd y manylion yn cael eu rhannu yn ystod y mis neu ddau nesaf.

* * * * *

Eirlys Eckley (Eirlys Parri) died peacefully and comfortably in her care home. She was diagnosed with Alzheimers over five years ago. Eirlys was 74 years old. Eirlys was a loving and vibrant mother to her two daughters Lois and Esther and a warm and fun loving grandmother (Nan Nan) to Brandon, Jason, Evan and Aaron. She also leaves her ex-husband and lifelong friend Geraint Eckley and many other special friends. She leaves a void behind her but she also leaves a treasure of memories and laughter.

There will not be a public crematorium service, but arrangements are underway to hold a celebration of her life within a few months.
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2081 visitors
Published: 06/07/2024
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As godmother to my oldest and autistic son she was wonderful and before her illness always there to offer support and guidance.As a family friend we had some amazing times together. John and I were so upset when we learnt of her passing but have so many warm memories to remember her by. RIP Eirlys. xx
Gillian Mary Gillibrand
Candle fn_3
Gillian Mary Gillibrand
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