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Acknowledgement for Iris EDWARDS

Carmel | Published in: Daily Post.

Gareth W Davies Funeral Directors
Gareth W Davies Funeral Directors
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IrisEDWARDSThe family of the late Iris Edwards, Isgraig, Carmel wish to express their sincere thanks to everyone for the many letters, cards and messages of sympathy shown to them during their bereavement.

Grateful thanks for all the donations towards Nightingale House, who cared for Iris.

Much appreciation to the Rev'd. Kathryn Evans for all her support at a difficult time and to Gareth and Eryl of Gareth W Davies Funeral Directors, Holywell for all their help and kindness with all the arrangements.

Diolch yn fawr i bawb.
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4476 visitors
Published: 05/10/2024
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