I used to work in the R.E.M.E workshops in Stirling in the early seventies, as a fitter in the Artillery Shop, or "High Hut" as it was known then. Tommy was employed in the Motor Vehicle repair shop, prior to going full time with the band. I was introduced to him by my foreman Jock "piper" Kerr, who was a great friend of Tommies, and i can recall many humourous exchanges with the pair of them, on a variety of topics. Jock came from Fallin and was a well known and respected piper in the Fallin pipe band, so they both had similar music tastes. Sadly I only recently heard of Tommys passing, having long since left the R.E.M.E and lost contact with my workmates of that time. Memories of Tommy live on though, and i remember him as a very friendly man, always in good humour and up for a blether. Im proud to have known him, and extend my belated condolances to the family. Kind regards. Norman ("norrie") Thomson.
Norman Thomson