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The obituary notice of Alan Roger FROOD (Roger)

Liverpool | Published in: Liverpool Echo.

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Alan RogerFROOD24/03/1944 - 23/01/2023 Aged 78 Dulcimer Maker The Dove Center, Butleigh Died peacefully in France with his daughter Robin by his side. Sadly missed by partner Bron, daughter Robin, grandchildren Olivia, Theo, Mai, brother Malcolm and Carol, sister Elisabeth and all his friends and family in England and France.
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Published: 26/01/2023
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It's 2025, and I'm still so grateful to Roger for making me the dulcimer from heaven. His skills have left me with decades of exciting playin.
Judith van Dijkhuizen
Je me souviens de notre rencontre, il y a 7 ans à Anères. Rencontrer Roger a été un honneur, un privilège.
De lui émanait tant de douceur, d'humanité, de savoir.... Très vite, je l'ai affectueusement surnommais "my English grandfather". A chaque rencontre, nous nous prenions dans les bras de longues secondes. Je porte Roger dans mon coeur et mon âme à tout jamais!
Je regrette de ne pas avoir été informée de son état, de ne pas lui avoir dit une dernière fois à quel point je tenais à lui et de n'avoir pas pu lui faire mes adieux.
Il a semé ses graines de bonté et de savoir autour de lui, elles germeront à tout jamais!
Il manquera énormément !!!
Toutes mes pensées à sa famille.
Sincèrement et respectueusement.
Jessica Paris
Jessica Paris
Tribute photo for Alan Roger FROOD
Jessica Paris
Si proche, Roger est une personne à part. Un être positif avant tout qui laisse derrière lui un véritable patrimoine. Inoubliable. Un homme de partage, un homme de cœur, un ami qui me manquait déjà quand on se quittait pour quelques mois... Roger m'a permis de grandir et avec sa modestie il a donné un véritable sens à ma vie. Fier et heureux d'avoir partagé une si belle aventure.
Eric Marie Barthes
When I would try and describe Roger Frood's appearance to my American friends, I would say "Imagine what a guy named 'Roger Frood' would look like, that's him." Quint essentially English (at least to this yank), whip smart, and genuinely kind to his very marrow. Roger Frood is one of the most wonderful people I have chanced to meet in the UK or anywhere else. Our interactions were brief and few, but always rewarding and memorable. The stars shine a little dimmer tonight. Godspeed my friend.
Butch Ross
Roger was a lovely, gentle man, he loved all aspects of the dulcimer, and would happily spend time talking about dulcimers to anyone who was interested. He could be shy, but when he came out of his shell he had a devilish sense of humour and a twinkle in his eye. It was always a treat to bump into him every few years. The Dove has flown and will be missed.
Amanda Lowe
So grateful to Roger for making me a divine instrument that has enhanced and changed my life for the better, immensely. A kind and helpful man who will be greatly missed.
Judith van Dijkhuizen