EirwenGODDEN9 Hydref 2023. Hunodd yn dawel yn 75 mlwydd oed o 35, Maes Cantaba, Rhuthun. Priod annwyl Tony, mam ffyddlon Louise, Stuart, Lee a Kelly, nain cariadus Josh, Annie, Bea, Callum, Ben, Fletcher a'r diweddar Hector, chwaer y ddiweddar Mair, chwaer yng nghyfraith Roger, modryb gofalus Lia and Bryn.
Angladd ddydd Llun, Tachwedd 6. Cynhelir Gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yng Nghapel Amlosgfa Northop am 2 o'r gloch. (Dillad Lliwgar)
Dim blodau. Ond os dymunir, derbynnir yn ddiolchgar, rhoddion er cof tuag at Gronfa Gweinyddesau Macmillan.
GODDEN Eirwen (Snowy).
9 October 2023. Passed away peacefully aged 75 years of 35 Maes Cantaba Ruthin. Beloved wife of Tony, devoted mother of Louise, Stuart, Lee and Kelly, loving nain of Josh, Annie, Bea, Callum, Ben, Fletcher and the late Hector, sister of the late Mair, sister-in-law of Roger, caring aunt of Lia and Bryn.
Funeral on Monday 6th November. Service and committal at Northop Crematorium at 2pm. (bright clothes can be worn)
No flowers please. Donations in memory of Eirwen if desired, to The Macmillan Nurses Fund would be appreciated.
Arrangements by
Dowell Brothers, Funeral Directors of Ruthin.
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