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The obituary notice of Teleri Mair GRAY (Nee Jarman)

Cardiff (Caerdydd), 15/07/1944 - 05/01/2024 (Age 79) | Published in: Western Mail. Notable areas: London

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Teleri MairGRAYYn dawel, fis Ionawr 5ed yn ysbyty Llandochau, bu farw Teleri Gray (Jarman gynt) yn 79 mlwydd oed ar ôl brwydr ddewr. Mam annwyl Gethin a Bethan, Nain balch i Emrys a Cian, Chwaer gariadus Nia, Modryb lliwgar i Mari, Siôn, Lili a Noa a'u teuluoedd, a ffrind ffyddlon i nifer. Angladd cyhoeddus, Llun, Chwefror 5ed, amlosgfa Thornhill, Capel y Wenallt, 11.00 (dillad lliwgar). Croeso i ddathlu bywyd Teleri ar ôl y gwasanaeth yng Nghwesty Manor Park, Thornhill CF14 9UA. Blodau'r teulu yn unig. Rhoddion, os dymunir, i Ganolfan y Fron, Caerdydd a'r Fro, ysbyty Llandochau, drwy law yr ymgymerwr James Summers.

On January 5th, Teleri Gray (Nee Jarman) 79, died peacefully in Llandough Hospital following a brave battle. Beloved Mother of Gethin and Bethan, proud Grandmother of Emrys and Cian, loving Sister of Nia, colourful Aunt to Mari, Siôn, Lili and Noa and their families and loyal friend to many. Public funeral, Monday February 5th at 11.00, in Thornhill Crematorium, Wenallt Chapel (colourful clothes). Welcome to celebrate Teleri's life after the service at the Manor Park Hotel, Thornhill CF14 9UA. Family flowers only. Donations, gratefully accepted to The Breast Centre Cardiff and the Vale, Llandough Hospital, care of James Summers Undertakers.
James Summers FuneralCare
Newport Road
CF24 1XP
02920 484506
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Published: 18/01/2024
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Something made me search your name today! One of those articles that asks you to name the teacher you never forgot!

Oh, Mrs Grey, I am sorry you are gone! You will never have any idea how much you meant to me! I will truly never forget you!

Bringing two of my children to meet you, was just lovely.

I have no doubt, that wherever you are, you remain beautifully kind spirited, creative and with just the most beautiful heart!

Thank you! 💜

All my love, always,
Abigail Evans xxxx
Abigail Hogsden
Thank you from
Cardiff And Vale University Local Health Board General Purpose Charity
For all the donations given
As a support team, we only knew Teleri for a short time but what a time it was as all staff were certainly kept on their toes. We all miss her, Rest In Peace Tel and sending our condolences to her family and close friends. From all the girls past and present at Celtic xx
Rest in peace cousin, so honoured to have met you, one of the Old Family. Will never forget you, Vanessa XXX
Vanessa Wood-Davies
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Vanessa Wood-Davies
Candle fn_2
Vanessa Wood-Davies
The best and fun times ever had with Dear Teleri, teaching at Baden Powell Primary School
Donation left by Jones
So sad to hear of Teleri’s passing, please accept my condolences. Fay Johns
Peter Johns
I believe my dad used to deliver milk to Teleri many years ago. A lovely and friendly lady. Rest In Peace x
Andrea May Baos
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