ChrisHASSALLLesley & family want to thank everyone for their heartfelt sympathy on losing her devoted husband Chris Hassall. I want to say a big thank you to my rock and daughter for organising everything and looking after Chris with me in hospital, I know it's hit you hard too. Thank you Chris Jr for organising the lorries and bikes, it was so memorable and your dad would have loved Leek and Macclesfield coming to a standstill. Thank you Emma for being a constant support and being an angel to me. Danny Rutter you did amazing with bikes and controlling the traffic, thank you so much. Thank you Rev. Maureen Tideswell, I loved the service. Thank you to both sides of the family and friends. And lastly at Sigleys, I want to thank Michael and Paul, you were empathic you were amazing and you helped more than you knew. My Chris will be missed forever.
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