Carole DoreenHOWECarole D Howe passed away peacefully, aged 83, Writer and therapist, widow of the beloved Charles, Mother of Amanda (Jan), Jacqui (David) and Rupert (Kate) and her very loved grandchildren William, Charlotte, Vijay, Amy and Lila. Sister Paula (John) Cousins Sara, Rosie (David), Jill, Bruce, Dena (Neil), John (Liz) and Christine (Richard) and her nieces and her great niece and nephew and godchildren. Her many friends, and with gratitude to Vanessa, Peter and Zoe, Brian and Doreen, Jenny, Charlotte, Gwenda and so many lovely friends and neighbours who looked after Carole in her last year. Our eternal thanks to Karen Hogg who looked after her and Charles so well and with such love and care. And of course Chris Brazenell who tended their beloved garden for so many years. With thanks to all the carers at Brooklands Nursing Home and Jobin for his care and kindness in her last days. Carole has asked for Donations and Sponsors for Orphan Children Rescue Centre in Kathmandu, Nepal. Cheques to be made payable to Mr Darren G Styles c/o Alex Jones Funeral Directors. No flowers please, but she asked for you to plant something in your garden in her memory and say hello as you pass by. Chances are she will send a bird in reply! Funeral by webcast on Friday 26th March 2021 at 4.15pm. Please contact Alex Jones Funeral Directors: 01342 822399 for link details.
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