Mom, you breathed life into my very existence, transforming a fragile infant into the woman I am today. Mom, the greatest gift you offered was an unwavering promise of love that would withstand the tests of time.
It is a love so profound that, inevitably, I must face the heart-wrenching reality of parting. It aches to know that someday I will have to say it.
The most soul-crushing word that will ever resonate in my heart. The moment I felt your warmth slip away for the last time. One day, you will utter that word, and the tears will flow freely from my eyes. It will shatter my soul.
Mom, you showered me with your love, nurturing me into the woman I am destined to become. All I ever craved was the assurance of your devotion, that unyielding embrace of your love.
The final moment I have held you close. The time when it came to say goodbye, my heart crumbled, as I fight back the tears and the ache of losing you. Yet still, the love you poured into my life will continue to shine bright.
You have always be there to catch me whenever I stumble. You embody the greatest love I've ever known. You take my vulnerabilities and turn them into strength, and my love for you will endure until the end of time.
And when ever you needed me, unwavering and steadfast, I have been your rock. I promised to stand by your side for your entire journey, always. Mom, I have guided you through the darkest hours, been the wings that lift your spirit back into the light, and provide shelter through life's storms. My love for you will endure until forever graces us.
The day when you spook that word, my heart will break into a million pieces, as I long for the day when we are reunited again. Until then, Mom, with deep love, I must say goodbye.
Rebecca Phillips