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The obituary notice of Linda Elizabeth HUGHES

Tregarth | Published in: Daily Post.

Stephen Jones Funeral Directors
Stephen Jones Funeral Directors
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Linda ElizabethHUGHES12th October 2024.

Peacefully at her home 1 Bro Syr Ifor, Tregarth aged 72 years.

Beloved wife of the late Now Felin. Devoted mother to Sharon, Andrew, John and Mark. Cherished grandmother and great-grandmother and a dear sister.

Sadly missed by all her family and friends.

Funeral service at Bangor Crematorium on Friday 25th October at 1-30 p.m.

Family flowers only.

Enquiries Stephen Jones Funeral Directors Ltd, Pen y Bryn, Bethesda 01248 600455.
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3487 visitors
Published: 19/10/2024
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Aunty Linda, the favorite aunty fel oni pob tro yn deud ☺️ dwi dal methu coelio 💔. Cofion hapus pam meddwl am danoch. Diolch am neud fi tyfu fy gwinadd, 20p pob gwinadd haha, dwi cofio! fysa fi heb yr busnas heb hynnu. Wrth fy modd dod am te ar ol gorffan ysgol pam oni tyfu fynnu. Ac siopio yn asda ac cael cacan ar ol! Drist pam nesi symud i ffwrdd a nath hynnu stopio. Diolch am eich cariad. Cwsg yn dawel xx
Angela Townson
Candle fn_3
Angela Townson
Diolch am bob dim dachi di neud I fi drost y blynyddoedd . Dwi dal methu coelio nai ddim gweld chi eto . Diolch am yr holl treats ac am helpu fi fynd ir Army a neud siwr oni efo bob dim . Nai watchad ar ol mam peidiwch a poeni xx
Amanda Young
Candle fn_2
Amanda Young