Beautiful, immaculate, smartly dressed, intelligent, loyal, but, oh, suffered no fools!.
Inner courage, of a lion.
Fought with strength, and dignity, to the day.
63 years ago,
our first school day.
Red blazers, white edged piping.
Nervous, giggling, shiny new shoes.
We met, we bonded, and talked away.
We argued, made up, argued again, laughed, and talked away.
We were Sunday school chums.
Angels in a nativity play.
We were the bees knees.
Oh, yes, we really
thought we were.
No other angel could compare.
To womanhood we went.
Heads held high.
Missed the bus, we wondered how, talking, that’s how.
Hitched a lift.
Got home, somehow.
Many times we’d laugh, sigh.
At times we’d cry.
We then worked together, nhs, admin.
Then one day.
‘I’m going to go to nurses training, come with me’ you said.
To my regret, i didn’t.
You trained, you passed.
You excelled, as you always did (apart from Art, this was our joke, must try harder said Evans Art)
A natural nurse, core values, with inner strength and beauty, understanding, empathy, every day.
Always smart, always smiling.
Never complaining.
I have so much to thank you for in our friendship.
Rest now.
Until we meet again.
There’s still so much to say.
I shall miss you, forever and a day.
My dear, sweet, beautiful friend.
Helen M Owen