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The obituary notice of Elizabeth Colliver JONES

Llanddaniel Fab | Published in: Daily Post. Notable areas: Sketty

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Gareth Williams Funeral Directors
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Elizabeth ColliverJONESIonawr 3ydd 2025

Yn dawel yng nghwmni ei theulu cariadus yn Ysbyty Treforys, Abertawe o 14 Rosemary Close Sgeti yn 80 mlwydd oed (Gynt o Llanddaniel Ynys Môn). Gwraig gariadus Meic ; mam arbennig Heulwen ar diweddar Alan a Ioan; nain hoffus Eleanor, Soffia, Casi ar diweddar Gwythyr; hen nain Florence. Colled drist i'w holl theulu a ffrindiau.

Gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn Amlosgfa Bangor ddydd Gwener Chwefror 7fed am 12.00 o'r gloch.

Blodau'r teulu'n unig ond derbynnir rhoddion er cof yn ddiolchgar tuag at Versus Arthritis.

Ymholiadau I Gareth Williams Trefnwr Angladdau 1 Garneddwen Bethesda Ffôn. :01248 600763

* * * * * *

JONES Elizabeth Colliver

January 3rd 2025

Peacefully at Morriston Hospital, Swansea in the presence of her loving family of 14 Rosemary Close, Sketti (late of Llanddaniel, Anglesey) aged 80 years. Beloved wife of Meic; special mam of Heulwen and the late Alan and Ioan; fond nain of Eleanor, Soffia, Casi and the late Gwythyr; great grandmother of Florence. Sadly missed by family and friends.

Public service at Bangor Crematorium on Friday, February 7th at 12.00 o'clock.

Family flowers only but donations in memory gratefully accepted towards Versus Arthritis.

Enquiries to Gareth Williams Funeral Director 1 Garneddwen, Bethesda. Tel:01248 600763
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Published: 22/01/2025
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Donation left by James and Emily Hammett
Atgofion melys o Bet a cholled mawr ar ei hol. Cydymdeimlad dwys a chariad mawr atoch chi. Love to all the family and we will treasure our memories of Bet.
Emily Hammett
Candle fn_4
Emily Hammett
Anti Bet

Diolch am greu plentyndod llawn hwyl a lot fawr o atgofion melys dros yr holl flynyddoedd x Gwên biwtiffwl bob tro a llond Lle o gariad!! Mi fydd hiraeth mawr ar eich hol xx

Cwsg yn dawel X
Donation left by Nigel Bloor
Donation left by Aled and Chrissy Hughes
It was a privilege to have known you Betty. You will be sorely missed. Our thoughts are with Meic, Heulwen, Soff, Casi, and all the fanily. With love, Julie, Scott and Grace.
Donation left by Julie Taylor
Be at Peace now Bette no more pain . You have struggled for many years but always had a beautiful smile for us all . What a strong lady you were . I cherished your friendship from the day we met on holiday in Bulgaria , you will be missed . Love to Mike Heulwen and your beautiful Grandchildren
Donation left by Ann West
Donation left by Sion Morris
Donation left by Jayne Leary