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The obituary notice of Elwyn JONES-ROBERTS

Gwalchmai | Published in: Daily Post.

Melvin Rowlands Funeral Directors
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ElwynJONES-ROBERTSMawrth 6ed 2025, yn dawel yng Nghartref Nyrsio Fairways, Bae Trearddur yn 92 mlwydd oed o Cefn Du, Gwalchmai. Priod cariadus y ddiweddar Elizabeth Olwen Jones-Roberts a phartner annwyl y ddiweddar Olwen Davies, tad gofalus Mary, Robert, Ellen ac Olwen, tad yng nghyfraith Robert Glyn, Jane, William ac Ian, taid balch Alwyn, Bethan, Sian, Elwyn, Ela, Awel ac Iwan, hen daid hoffus i'w holl gor wyrion a gor wyresau, brawd y diweddar Bob, Meirion ac Eluned ac ewythr Allison. Bydd yn golled enfawr i'w deulu a ffrindiau. Angladd ddydd Mercher Mawrth 26ain, gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yng Nghapel Jerwsalem M.C. Gwalchmai am 11.00 y bore. Rhoddir i orffwys ym mynwent y Capel. Blodau teulu yn unig ond derbynnir rhoddion er cof am Elwyn yn ddiolchgar tuag at Cymdeithas Strôc drwy law'r ymgymerwr

******************************** March 6th 2025, peacefully at Fairways Nursing Home, Trearddur Bay aged 92 years of Cefn Du, Gwalchmai. Loving husband of the late Elizabeth Olwen Jones-Roberts and dear partner of the late Olwen Davies, caring father of Mary, Robert, Ellen and Olwen, father in law of Robert Glyn, Jane, William and Ian, proud grandfather of Alwyn, Bethan, Sian, Elwyn, Ela, Awel and Iwan, fond great grandfather to all his great grandchildren, brother of the late Bob, Meirion and Eluned and uncle of Allison. He will be deeply missed by his family and friends. Funeral on Wednesday March 26th, public service at Jerusalem M.C. Chapel, Gwalchmai at 11.00a.m. Followed by interment at the Chapel Cemetery. Family flowers only but donations in memory of Elwyn will be kindly accepted towards Stroke Association c/o the funeral director Melvin Rowlands Minafon Chapel of Rest, Glanhwfa Road, Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7FE. Tel: 01248 723111
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Published: 19/03/2025
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