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In Memoriam for Jackie And Tom KELLY

Rutherglen | Published in: Rutherglen Reformer.

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Jackie And TomKELLYIn loving memory of my uncles, both of Victoria Street, Rutherglen. John (Jackie) Kelly, passed away 5 January 1974 aged 65. Merchant navy and RAF WW2. He loved books and always said "It doesn't matter what you read as long as you read" and Tom Kelly passed away 23 January 1982 aged 81, on a seat in the Main Street at the top of Castle Street. Trainer of the Glasgow and West of Scotland football team for the deaf. My brother Douglas and I still used all his phrases and gestures to the last.

"Thanks for the memories"

Love always, Dorothyxx
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Published: 24/01/2024
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Remembering what you taught me not long after you passed Uncle Jackie and you were right -and you did find out what you always called "the great secret."

Uncle Tom, I remember it was a sunny January morning, just a normal Saturday. Mum had been for the papers and rolls, she was in the kitchen grilling ham and dad and I were in the living room reading the papers when the phone went. I answered it and it was the police to tell us about what had happened to you. I will never forget mum's face. She came into the hall and she was happy and smiling and then she must have seen the look in my eyes and her whole expression changed. You had been out for a few messages and to put your line on at the bookies. Just a normal Saturday and then a wee seat in the Main Street as your father, my grandpa Kelly always did before you.

Rest in Peace. The Best Uncles who loved us and guided us though you had no children of your own. You made good lives.
Thank you,
Love, Dorothyxx
Dorothy Connor
Candle fn_4
Dorothy Connor
Remembering Uncle Jackie when you took Douglas and I to Stirling Castle and the Wallace Monument and taught us Scottish history. Douglas often talked about that and all your books.

Remembering Uncle Tom how much everyone in the town knew you and loved you and when you were ill in bed in the room you called me in and made the gesture for " I love you."

Love always,
Dorothy Connor
Candle fn_9
Dorothy Connor