Iris MargaretLALLYLALLY - IRIS MARGARET, December 31, 2014. Aged 68 years. (In tears we saw you fading, we watched you slip away our hearts were almost broken you fought so hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping so peacefully free from pain. We could not wish you back to suffer that again. We will love and miss you forever Mum.) - Brokenhearted Daughter Tracy and Son-in-Law Martin. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (A face we will remember, a voice we will recall, memories of our dear Nan we will treasure forever more. Goodnight, God Bless Nan) - Love Kirsty, Dean, Carl and Emily xxxx (I will miss our little chats on the phone every week. Goodnight, God Bless Iris.) - Loving Sister Norma and Family (U.S.A.) xxxxx
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