My mother was one of the strongest bravest and kindest human beings to Grace this planet and without her I wouldn't be here today and I wouldn't be the person I am.
Mam, you meant everything to me and to us all, daughter-in-law Christine, granddaughters Katy and Emma and although we had the miles between us it never prevented all those wonderful years of quality time we spent together in the North East and In cheshire. All those family occasions and get togethers over the years leaving us with so many wonderful memories of a wonderful mother and grandmother.
We will never forget all those summer breaks, Christmases, Easters and all the various places we visited over the years, Priceless!
We will forever cherish in our hearts those memories.
Mam wasn't just my mother and grandmother to my girls she was our best friend.
Rest in eternal peace mam, you will be sorely missed by us all. Love you xxxx