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Acknowledgement for áine (Anne) Teresa MCAULEY (NEE COATES)

Heywood | Published in: Heywood Advertiser.

Kavanagh & Coates Funeral Directors
Kavanagh & Coates Funeral Directors
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áine (Anne) TeresaMCAULEY (NEE COATES)ÁINE (ANNE) TERESA McAULEY (RIP) Nee Coates The Family of the Late Áine would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all relatives and friends who attended the Requiem Mass to celebrate her life, for all the kindness and sympathy shown, prayers, mass offerings, cards of condolence, floral tributes and donations received. Deepest gratitude to staff at Beech House, past and present, for the care, kindness and support given to Áine and all the family. Special thanks to Father Bob Hayes for the comforting Mass, kind ministrations and continuing prayers. Thanks also to Fathers Paul Daly, Michael Deas and Alf Rebello and parishioners of Our Lady and St Joseph's Church. Thank you to Argyle Street Medical Centre, Heywood Cricket Club for their hospitality and to the team at Kavanagh and Coates for their sensitive and dignified arrangements. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
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1468 visitors
Published: 05/11/2019
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