John JamesMURPHYAged 39 years.
Our one and only son.
Of all the precious gifts in life however great or small, to have you as our son was the greatest gift of all.
Will miss the laughs we had.
Forever brokenhearted Mum and Dad x x
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My one and only brother John.
Find the softest pillow Lord lay his head to rest, he was my special brother and only deserves the best.
Brokenhearted Sister Jane x x
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Goodnight God bless my uncle John.
I know you will make sure I'm okay.
Your very special Nephew James (The Big Fella x x)
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Goodnight God bless my only uncle John and best friend.
Rest in Peace.
Your Nephew and Best Friend Bobbi-Jon x x
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Our John, miss our chats at the table with words of guidance and truth, you made me the proudest big sister ever kid.
Goodnight God bless Your forever brokenhearted Sister Joanne x x
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Our one and only uncle John. We had a wonderful uncle one who never really grew old, his smile was made of sunshine his heart was solid gold.
You were more like our brother. Goodnight God bless.
Niece Holly, Nephew Ben and Ali x x x
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