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In Memoriam for Mary Patricia NIELSEN

Hull | Published in: Hull Daily Mail. Notable areas: Bridlington

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Mary PatriciaNIELSENBorn Mary Patricia Shaw in Hull 1st July 1924 - died 8th September 2019. Dearly loved wife of Warren and devoted Mother of Solveig, Knud and Arvid. Treasured loving memories.
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1072 visitors
Published: 05/09/2020
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My dear and lovely Mum. I miss our chats, your counsel and you. 5 years on and the world has changed, people have changed and as you predicted the worst in people has been revealed. You are in a far better place, though I wish you were still here. Let be you Mum ❤️
Candle fn_3
My wonderful Mummy. 4 years ago, you passed away, you were not ready to leave your loving husband, he was distraught and yet at your side as he had been for many years past, I was not ready, believing that miracles do happen. You were tired and you were not strong enough to battle. Into God’s care you went and to a much happier environment to wait for Dad. I wish all the i’s had been dotted and the t’s crossed before you became ill.
Forever in my heart and always in my thoughts. Love you, MISS you ♥️♥️♥️
Candle fn_2
We never liked goodbyes, parting was always so difficult. You are missed and my love remains staunch.
You are free of the misery of this world and blessed by the presence of Dad there in heaven. You are both right, they didn’t and don’t know YOU! Love you Mum, FOREVER!
Oh Mummy ♥️
Arvid Nielsen
Candle fn_1
Arvid Nielsen
My wonderful Mummy. There are so many words to say, so many things to tell you, but put quite simply, I LOVE YOU! ♥️
2 years ago today, you went away to Heaven, the wonderful sanctuary where you are now with God, Jesus, Dad, Grandma, Grandad and Uncle Albert. You watch me from afar, though you are just in the next room. I am safe and cared for by my loving wife Michelle. One day, we will be together again. I’ll miss you until then. ♥️
Arvid Nielsen
I miss you so very much. Tears in my eyes because I cannot hold your hand or hear your voice.
Michelle is a wonderful cook and loves your utensils and cookbooks! ♥️
Arvid Nielsen
Candle fn_1
Arvid Nielsen
Miss you Mum. Love you more. Forever in our hearts, in our thoughts and you remain in our lives as our wonderful Mother.