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The obituary notice of Wendy Teresa NIXON (Nee Watson)

Bedlington | Published in: Evening Chronicle Newcastle, The Journal (Newcastle). Notable areas: Sunderland

John Grenfell & Son
John Grenfell & Son
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Wendy TeresaNIXON(Bedlington formerly of Sunderland) Peacefully on 21st December, aged 68 years. Much loved wife of the late Martyn & a dear friend of Suzanne. Please meet for funeral service at Northumberland Crematorium, Felton on Thursday 19th January at 12:30, flowers welcome. At Wendy's request, please wear colourful clothing, if possible. All enquiries c/o John Grenfell & Son, Funeral Directors, Bedlington Tel 01670 823 204.
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1057 visitors
Published: 13/01/2023
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