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The obituary notice of Jackie (Jacqueline) PERKINS (Mellors)

Nottingham | Published in: Nottingham Post, Nottingham area. Notable areas: Aspley, Clifton, Broxtowe

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Jackie (Jacqueline)PERKINSWith great sadness we announce the passing of Jackie Perkins on 6th January 2023. Heart of the community at Felstead Road and later at Lark Hill Village. With heavy hearts, but fondest memories, join her 4 daughters and husbands, 7 grandchildren, family and many friends at Wilford Hill Crematorium on 8th February at 11 o'clock to bid our farewell with much love, laughter and tears. Charitable donations preferred over flowers to Radford Care Group, Centre for Care.
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977 visitors
Published: 20/01/2023
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Death is too negative for me
So I'll be popping off for a long cup of tea
Do splash out on two bags in the pot
And for my god's sake keep the water hot
Please pick the biggest mug you can find
Size really does matter at this time
I'll pass on the lapsang with that souchong
And that stuff with bergamot
And stick with my favourite friend
You know the English breakfast blend
Breakfast! thanks for reminding me
There's just time before I fail
To stand on ceremony
Two rashers of best back, Should keep me
Smelling sweet up the smokestack
So, mother, put the kettle on for me
It's time, mother, for my long cup of tea

Michael Ashby, Sidmouth
Lesley Ford
Candle fn_25
Lesley Ford
Your service was on Wednesday 8th Feb 2023 mum- it was beautiful and elegant and joyful. With laughter and yes tears, but love and fun too. An honest reflection of who you are mum. Friends and family from across the years and a great gathering at Wolly hall afterwards.
Exactly as we hope it would be- I think my sisters and I would have made you proud.
Lesley Ford
Candle fn_2
Lesley Ford
Candle fn_16
Lesley Ford
Tribute photo for Jackie (Jacqueline) PERKINS