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The obituary notice of Gwen Owen PRICE (PRITCHARD)

Pwllheli | Published in: Daily Post.

John Hughes and Son, Amlwch branch of R & J Hughes and Son Ltd
John Hughes and Son, Amlwch branch of R & J Hughes and Son Ltd
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Gwen OwenPRICE3ydd o Hydref 2024, hunodd yn dawel yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Dumfries a Galloway. Annwyl fam Rhian, Llinos ac Ella-Jên. Merch gariadus Robin a Iola. Mam yng nghyfraith hoffus. Chwaer, chwaer yng nghyfraith a modryb hynod. Gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn Amlosgfa Roucan Loch ar ddydd Gwener Hydref 18fed 2024 am 3 o'r gloch. Blodau'r teulu yn unig ond derbynnir rhoddion yn ddiolchgar er cof am Gwen, yn ystod y gwasanaeth, tuag at Ymchwil Cancr DU. Os hoffech gyfrannu'n lleol ac ar gyfer unrhyw ymholiadau arall, cysylltwch â'r ymgymerwyr.


3rd October 2024, passed away peacefully at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary. Beloved Mami to Rhian, Llinos and Ella-Jên. Loving daughter of Robin and Iola. A dear mother-in-law. An exceptional sister, sister-in-law and aunt. Service at Roucan Loch Crematorium on Friday 18th October 2024 at 3pm. All friends and family are respectfully invited to attend. Family flowers only, but donations, if desired, can be given at the service towards Cancer Research UK in memory of Gwen. Should you wish to donate locally and for any other enquiries, please contact the funeral directors.

John Hughes a'i Fab and Son, Britannia, Porth Amlwch. Ffôn / Tel: 01407 830461 / 01248 723 497.
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Published: 11/10/2024
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Yn hwyr iawn yn clywed am eich colled o golli chwaer, merch a mam y genod. Gyda phob cydymdeimlad i chi fel teulu. Nerys (merch Wil ac Olwen gynt o Lanbedrog)
Nerys John