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In Memoriam for Frances REDMAN

Staffordshire | Published in: Staffordshire area.

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FrancesREDMANJean (nee Beardmore) June 16th, 2015 Sister It was the sudden ending, too sudden to forget, those who think of you are the ones that don't forget, treasure the memories of times gone by, they are a gift and can never die. Rest in peace Jean as you walk with God. Loved always Linda, Mick & family
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282 visitors
Published: 16/06/2016
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It’s now been 10 years Mum….almost. I miss you more as time goes by especially as Dad is dying also. I pray that you see his suffering and ask the Lord to call him to you and Mary. I cannot believe how my life has changed and not for the better. I love you Mum,I always will.❤️
Kerry redman
Candle fn_2
Kerry redman
It's been 5 years Mum and your loss is still so deeply felt. You taught me all I needed to know in life except one thing, how to live without you. I will always love you. Rest in peace as you walk with God.
Kerry Redman
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