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Acknowledgement for Bethan Margaret ROBERTS

Cardiff (Caerdydd) | Published in: Western Mail. Notable areas: Llangrannog, Cardigan (Aberteifi)

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Bethan MargaretROBERTSHoffai'r teulu ddiolch o galon am y llu o negeseuon o gymdymdeimlad a chyfraniadau er cof am Bethan i'r Mudiad Meithrin ac Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru. Diolch i'r Parch. Carys Ann a Maldwyn Lewis am wasanaeth angladdol hyfryd. Diolch hefyd i staff cartref gofal Regency House, Trelai, Caerdydd am eu gofal tyner ym mlynyddoedd olaf Bethan. The family wish to express their grateful thanks for the numerous messages of condolence and donations in Bethan's memory to Mudiad Meithrin and Wales Air Ambulance. Thanks to Rev. Carys Ann and Maldwyn Lewis for a beautiful funeral service. Thanks also to the staff at Regency House Care Home in Ely, Cardiff for their tender care of Bethan in her final years.
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3672 visitors
Published: 26/02/2021
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