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The obituary notice of Jean RODDAN (nee Fraser)

Liverpool | Published in: Liverpool Echo.

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Howard Jenkins Funeral Directors
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JeanRODDANAged 71 years, Jean passed on 25th November 2024, surrounded by her loving family.

Reunited with her beloved husband, John.

Loving Mum to Matt and Paul, and wonderful Nanna to Bertie. Jean loved her family and friends with all her heart. Always kind, compassionate, and generous with her love. Jean's smile and warm hugs will be missed by all who knew her.

The funeral service will take place on Tuesday December 17 at Springwood Crematorium at 2pm, followed by a celebration of Jean's life at the Allerton Manor Golf Club.

Jean dedicated her career to the Mental Health sector, and so instead of flowers, donations can be made in her memory to Mind.

Further enquiries to Howard Jenkins Funeral Directors, Childwall (0151 737 1670)
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1719 visitors
Published: 09/12/2024
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Thank you from
Mind (Mind (The National Association For Mental Health))
For all the donations given
Donation left by Ruth Culley
Our beautiful Aunty Jean. We will miss you always but you leave us with beautiful and happy memories. The Culleys xxxx❤️
Ruth Culley
Candle fn_3
Ruth Culley
Loving memories of happy times together
Lots of love Linda xxxx
Donation left by Linda Carney
Devastated that you left us so soon Aunty Jean. Going to miss your hugs and giggle so much. We will look after Matt, Paul Shona, Ruby, Martha, Bertie and Ryan for you. Give Uncle John and Dad massive hugs from all of us. Love you loads the Darracott’s
Donation left by Kate Darracott
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