CalogeraRUGGIERICalogera Ruggieri, also known as Lina, passed away on the 9th of June 2023 at the age of 66 after a short illness. Calogera was born with Down Syndrome and became a pupil in the early 60s at St Anne's Infants School on Sandy Lane, followed by St Anne's Juniors School on Cobham Rd, Accrington. She brought so much joy and love to her late father Nicolo Ruggieri and late Mother Rosa Ruggieri who devoted their lives to caring for and loving her. She also leaves behind the broken hearts of her brothers Giovanni Ruggieri and Gioacchino Ruggieri who both continued their parent's love and care for Lina. She will be greatly missed by her Sister in law Graziella, Lina's Nephews, Nicolo and Carlo, her niece Sarah and Lina's great-nieces Amelia and Sophia. No words can describe the love we have for her and the love she gave back. Nothing will replace this special woman in our lives, who, like all children with Down Syndrome, just want to be loved. She will be placed to rest in Sicily, reunited with her late Mother and Father.
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