If I could write you a letter and send it to heaven this is what I would say:-
Dear Dad
It's been but a few days since you went away and I miss you so much.
I know that you had battled long and hard against your illness and what a fighter you had been, if that had been me I don't think that I could have had your strength to carry on, to endure all the pain that you must have been going through, going in and out of hospital so much over the last two years
I will never forget how you used to thank us for coming to see you, even upto the day before you died you said thankyou to me . You never needed to say it because every minute spent with you was so precious, yes many a tear was shed afterwards but I always tried to hide my heartache.
Throughout your journey your love for your family never faltered, you would worry so much about us all, worry about what mum was going through even though you were so poorly yourself.
I know that you will be looking down on us all now, keeping a close eye on your family, making sure that we are all safe, and don't be upset if you see me shed a tear, yes I am so sad that you are gone but also am happy that I have had the privilage to have shared so many good years with you. The memories that I have locked in my heart will keep me going. I may hit a hurdle every now and again but I will get up stronger and hopefully in time the pain will get easier.
Anyhow say hello to my Nana and Granddad, all your family and friends who are up there with you and I will see you soon
Your devoted Daughter
You will go in that car !!!!
Martyn Smith