Happy New Year, Grandad Bruce.
This is probably going to rival the pain I felt during Christmas where your absence will be monumental. This time last year, I was watching some stupid movie on the TV, curled up in your recliner chair as you asked me many questions about it. Had I known that just a year later, my life would look completely different, I would've appreciated my last New Year's Eve with you. It's a pretty sad way to look at things but you and I are alike in that sentiment even if you always tried to get me to be a 'glass half-full' girl, my pessimism shines through. I don't mind though, it always helped me get the encouraging advice only you could provide me with to help me keep my chin up and move on. Looking back on this year, there is nothing that I regret. You saw me in love, gave me the advice I needed when days got rough, always called me when you were down and kept our bond strong despite me growing up and beginning to spend less time with you. I will carry your memory with me into the New Year and the rest that follow, I'll curl it around me like a never-ending hug just so I know for sure that you have never truly left me. A family is forever and, no matter how far apart we are, you never truly leave us. When the clock strikes 12 tonight, I'll be spending it with the one I love just like you would've wanted and he'll keep me company tonight as I cross this first New Year without you.
Keep watching over me, Grandad Bruce, every firework in the sky tonight is dedicated to you.
Lots of everlasting hugs and kisses,
Your little bain