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Acknowledgement for Louise SWAIN-HUGHES (BLUNT)

Rhuddlan | Published in: Daily Post.

Howatson & Son, Funeral Directors
Howatson & Son, Funeral Directors
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LouiseSWAIN-HUGHES (BLUNT)Godfrey, Lesley and family would like to express their sincere thanks to everyone for their kind messages of sympathy on their sad loss of Louise and for supporting and comforting us with your attendance at St. Mary's Church, Rhuddlan. Our thanks to Rev'd. Jayne Coxall for her support and for her compassionate and personal address during the service. Our thanks also to Brian Howatson and staff, at Ivor Howatson & Son Funeral Directors. Thank you everyone for your generous donations in memory of our beautiful daughter. Donations raised at the Church were £880.00. 'A Day for Louise' at Rhuddlan Golf Club raised an incredible £28,183.50. We are all deeply moved by your love and support and we regard this as a wonderful tribute to a remarkable young woman. As requested by Louise, all donations have benefitted Breast Cancer Now and St. Kentigern's Hospice. Thank You All.
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2655 visitors
Published: 17/09/2022
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