THE UNKNOWN SOLDIERThis is a tribute for every British serviceman and woman who has made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their life for their country so that we may live in peace.This tribute to an unnamed soldier serves as a symbol for all of the dead and injured, wherever and whenever they fell - whether they were among the 885,000 military deaths among UK forces from the First World War, or the 382,000 from the Second World War.The most recent major conflicts involving UK service personnel have been in http://www.lastingtr uk/featuredtributes/ -/-/-/-/-/ -/-/-/-/afghanistan [Afghanistan] and http://www.lastingtr uk/featuredtributes/ -/-/-/-/-/ -/-/-/-/iraq [Iraq].There were 258 British deaths among service personnel in the http://www.lastingtr uk/tribute/war_casua lties/ 2991099 [Falklands conflict] of 1982.More than 750 servicemen died during the http://www.lastingtr uk/tribute/casualtie s/2991650 [Northern Ireland campaign] in the 30 year-period that began in 1969."They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old".
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