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The obituary notice of Eunice Verona THOMAS

Holyhead (Caergybi) | Published in: Daily Post.

Griffith Roberts & Son Funeral Directors
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Eunice VeronaTHOMAS21 Tachwedd 2024. Ar drothwy ei phenblwydd yn 99 mlwydd oed, hunodd Eunice yn dawel yng nghwmni ei theulu ar Ward Prysor, Ysbyty Gwynedd. Gynt o Gaergybi ac yn ddiweddar Porthaethwy, roedd Eunice yn wraig ffyddlon a chariadus i'r diweddar William John, mam arbennig a gofalgar Colin, Ann a'r diweddar John, mam-yng-nghyfraith annwyl a ffrind i Gwen a'r ddiweddar Joan, nain garedig a hwyliog i Rhiannon, Gwenda, Huw, Gwyn ac Alun ac yn hen nain falch o'i 11 gor-wyrion a gor-wyresau. Angladd hollol breifat yn ol ei dymuniad. Derbynnir rhoddion yn ddiolchgar er côf am Eunice tuag at 'Ward Prysor Awyr Las' trwy law Griffith Roberts a'i Fab, Preswylfa, Y Fali. Ffôn (01407) 740 940.

21 November 2024. In the week of her 99th birthday, Eunice passed peacefully in the presence of her family on Prysor Ward, Ysbyty Gwynedd. Formerly of Holyhead and lately Menai Bridge, Eunice was the faithful and loving wife of William John, a devoted and caring mother to Colin, Ann and the late John, a dear mother-in-law and friend to Gwen and the late Joan, a kind and fun-loving grandmother to Rhiannon, Gwenda, Huw, Gwyn and Alun and a proud great-grandmother to her 11 great-grandchildren. A strictly private service will be held in accordance with her wishes. Donations in memory of Eunice will be gratefully accepted towards "Prysor Ward Awyr Las' per
Griffith Roberts & Son, Preswylfa, Valley. Tel: (01407) 740 940
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Published: 30/11/2024
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