I’ll miss hearing you say you-hoo to me every time the phone would ring,
I’ll miss our little strolls up into Ashby where I would laugh at you sing,
I’ll miss holding onto your chubby finger, I would hold onto you so tight, whilst we both walked at 2mph, because what’s the rushing right?
I’ll miss the constant supply of smarties when you knew that I was coming,
Walking into your kitchen, you’d be stood to greet me, moustache humming and fingers drumming.
Theres most certainly 2 things that i think I got from you, it has to be this crazy head of hair, and this silly personality too.
I’ll miss you grandad that’s for sure, and all the fun loving times we’ve had, but the memory of you will long live on because actually you’re just like my dad.
The thing I’m going to miss the most is not knowing you for longer, but you’ll always be my special grandad and I’ll always be your loving Orla
Sophie Tomlinson