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The obituary notice of Barbara TROTTER ((formerly Freeman))

Cleethorpes | Published in: Grimsby Telegraph.

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BarbaraTROTTER(formerly Freeman) Peacefully and in the arms of her loving family on 21st April 2019 in the care of Lindsey Hall Care Home, Cleethorpes, Barbara aged 90 years. Very loving and devoted wife of Neil, much loved mum of Trisha, Susan, Jane, Neil and Nigel, very dear mother-in-law of Tony, Will and Colin, treasured nanna of Joanna, Tom, Louise, Alison, Jack, Gabriel and Robyn and great-nanna of Harriet, a dear sister, sister-in-law and aunt and a very good friend to many. A service to celebrate Barbara's life will be held in the Grimsby Crematorium on Wednesday 1st May 2019 at 1.40pm. Donations in her memory to benefit 'The Alzheimer's Society' may be given at the service or sent to the Funeral Director. If so desired floral tributes will be received by:- Near & Near Undertakers, The Mews, David Street, Grimsby, DN32 9NN. (01472) 250150
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924 visitors
Published: 25/04/2019
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Wendy / Tania / Barbara - great friends with so many happy times shared together, now only memories !
The Honey family will always remember you for the lovely lady you were.
Goodbye dear friend, Wendy / Tania / Pat and Mary.
Patrick Honey
The White Rose of Yorkshire, the county of your birth.
My love, always my Darling Barbara,
Your devoted hubby, Neil. XXXX
Neil Trotter
Candle 10
Neil Trotter
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