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The obituary notice of Anne VENABLES

Llanberis | Published in: Daily Post.

E W Pritchard
E W Pritchard
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AnneVENABLES5 Ionawr, 2025, yn dawel yn ei chartref, yn 69 mlwydd oed. Roedd ei theulu mor werthfawr iddi: Gwraig gariadus, cymar a ffrind gorau y diweddar John (Ablitt), chwaer annwyl Jill a David, modryb hoff i Hannah, Rebecca, Jenn a Pete, hen fodryb i Lily, a chwaer yng nghyfraith i Harry.

Claddedigaeth yn Goedwig Dragwyddol Boduan, ddydd Llun, Ionawr 27, 2025 am 12:30 o'r gloch ac am 2 o'r gloch cyfarfod yn y Wal, Stryd y Plas, Caernarfon. Bydd hwn yn ddathliad o fywyd Anne ac ar ei chais hi dylid gwisgo dillad lliwgar. Os ydych yn mynychu'r gladdedigaeth, fe'ch cynghori'r i wisgo esgidiau glaw neu esgidiau cryf.

Hoffai'r teulu fynegi eu diolch i bawb sydd wedi gofalu am Anne gan gynnwys y GIG, gofal cymdeithasol, staff gwirfoddol a ffrindiau a chymdogion.

Blodau'r teulu yn unig ond os dymunir gellir gwneud rhoddion er cof am Anne i un o'i dewis elusennau, Médecins Sans Frontières, Shelter neu Women's Aid.

Ymholiadau E W Pritchard 62 Stryd Fawr Llanberis 01286 870202

* * * * *

January 5, 2025, peacefully at home, aged 69 years. Her family were so precious to her: Much loved wife, partner and best friend of the late John (Ablitt), dear sister of Jill and David, fond aunt of Hannah, Rebecca, Jenn and Pete, great aunt of Lily and sister in law of Harry.

Burial at The Eternal Forest in Boduan on Monday, January 27, 2025 at 12.30pm and gathering from 2pm Wal, Stryd y Plas, Caernarfon. This will be a celebration of Anne's life and at her request brightly coloured clothing should be worn. If attending the burial, wellington boots or sturdy footwear advised.

The family would like to express our gratitude to everyone who has cared for Anne including NHS, social care, voluntary staff and, friends and neighbours.

Family flowers only but if desired donations can be made in Anne's memory to one of her chosen charities, Médecins Sans Frontières, Shelter or Women's Aid.

Enquiries E W Pritchard 62 High Street Llanberis 01286 870202
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Published: 18/01/2025
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Thank you from
Medecins Sans Frontieres (Uk)
For all the donations given
Donation left by Gareth Williams
Candle fn_1
Julia Mary Burns
Many fond memories of Anne as a dear colleague and friend during my time working at Gwynedd Archives & Museums Service. Nos da Ann xx
Donation left by Julia Burns