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The obituary notice of Pauline Mabel WALKER (Nee: Pauline George / Pauline Terry)

Plymouth, 04/12/1927 - 23/11/2023 (Age 95) | Published in: Plymouth Herald.

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Co-op Funeral Services Plymouth
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Pauline MabelWALKERAged 95, passed away peacefully on 23rd November 2023.

To Mum, Nana & Nana G,

We sat with you through your final hours, Knowing it was time to part. We held your hand and said goodbye, That left us with a heavy heart. Now reunited with your pets, And those that you love. Cross over the rainbow bridge, Past the stars to heaven above.

All our love, from Steve & Liz, Phil & Lorraine and all the Grandchildren & Great-grandchildren.

The funeral will take place at the Service Chapel, Co-op Funeralcare Plympton on Friday 15th December 2023 at 13:45pm. Family flowers only. Donations are welcome, to be made by retiring collection to, The Donkey Sanctuary Ivybridge.

All are warmly welcomed to Boringdon Park Golf Club, PL7 4QG after the service, from 15:30 for refreshments and to share memories of Pauline.

All enquiries to
Co-op Funeralcare Plympton,
Glen Road, PL7 2AD
(01752) 208059
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1914 visitors
Published: 27/11/2023
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22 Tributes left for Pauline
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What lovely.memories I have of this sweet lady . Dignified kind funny. I'll never forget her kindness to me as a young man . Visiting Clarham court always felt like my second home . She welcomed me as her sons pal and treated me as always welcome . How she put up with us and our rock n roll music I'd beyond me . Great time in my life . I know this lady had a long and
Happy life and I hope these tributes bring comfort to all in her close family
Jeff Thomas
Candle fn_1
Jeff Thomas
Thank you from
The Donkey Sanctuary, Ivybridge
For all the donations given
Donation left by Shane Smith
May you rest in peace Pauline.
Thankyou for being so welcoming all those years ago and treating me as part of the family. You'll be missed!
Love, Shane x
Rest in Peace Mum Pauline, gone but never forgotten .
You will be greatly missed.
Donation left by Lorraine Smith
Candle fn_1
Happy 96th birthday nanna. Fly high, have a drink for me up there.
Forever loved and forever in our hearts 💕.
Jade, Archie, Esme, & Willow
Jade Terry
Donation left by Charlotte Terry
Donation left by Stephen Terry