IrisWILLIAMSDymuna Eirwyn a'r teulu ddiolch yn fawr am bob cydymdeimlad a charedigrwydd a estynnwyd iddynt yn eu profedigaeth o golli gwraig, mam, mam-yng-nghyfraith, mamgu a chwaer. Diolch hefyd am y cyfraniadau hael a dderbyniwyd tuag at Uned y Byddar yn Ysgol Uwchradd y Frenhines Elisabeth, Apêl Hosbis Tŷ Cymorth a Nyrsys Cymunedol Meddygfa Furnace House, er cof am Iris. **** Eirwyn and family wish to express their gratitude for the sympathy and kindness extended to them in their loss of a wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and sister. Grateful thanks too for the generous donations received towards the Deaf Unit at Queen Elizabeth High School, Tŷ Cymorth Hospice Appeal and Furnace House Community Nurses, in memory of Iris.
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