Gary.....I don't think your family quite understand the magnitude of not only your death, but for your wife to actually see it happening and to not being able to save you.
It's both haunting and sickening.
And then a final kick in the teeth was be told by the coroner that the cause of your death was down to you eating fatty foods all of your life, from being young.
I would partially take some blame if I cooked and/or ate and fed you those fatty foods.
Me being on a vegetarian diet was/is so much healthier but by the time we remet, it was obviously much too late.
That was it.
Nothing to do with alcohol, epilepsy or brain injury.
Had we known about my ADHD and AUTISM, I would have been on disability then and not had to go through the trauma of trying to work in situations that could not accommodate me and I wouldn't have had to mask my true self as I had done for years causing me so much inner turmoil.
Maybe family members would have tried to be kind and understanding....?
I've not had any support whatsoever.
Some of the final words which where given to me referred to "Baby Sophie".
You and I discussed that when someone's partner passed away, that the remaining partner should continue to live as best as they could and hopefully meet another partner and find love again.
And I have done.
It doesn't mean you're not thought about, spoken about, missed and loved.
I'm not saying anything else now as I hope these words alone will be understood.
Love from your widow, Mandy. 💝 X